Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Memory Tag

Memory Lane...the tag that gets everyone involved. I got this from Audra's blog. I hope you will play along. Here are the directions:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


Kami Hall said...

I remember all the times I got so excited that you all came to visit and grandma and grandpa Pyne's. I love(d) seeing you!

Jessi said...

My sophomore year we had a football game far away (Marshfield, maybe?) It was a dreary day and I was feeling super lonely on the bus-ride there. I remember looking up into the stands when the game started and seeing you and Dad there and being so grateful you drove all the way to be with me. And I remember getting to drive home with you after the game. On the bus I felt like a nobody, but once I was with you I knew I was loved.

Audra said...

I can't do just one.

You had come to a senior event and one of my teachers asked if you were a runner because you had such a pretty and thin figure.

I looked up into the stands during one of my basketball games and thought, "Man, my mom has such good posture."

The young women were at our house for an activity. You were making bread and I really wanted to eat the bread dough. At first you said I shouldn't, but then you said ok, I could eat it. I loved it so much!

I remember you holding baby Lydia in the back yard up in Marysville and pulling some weeds out of the grass.

I remember you pulling me off the counter of the zoo gift shop and hugging me way too hard. I was lost at the zoo and we had just been reunited.

Emma said...

I haven't met you in person, but I know your daughters Jessi and Audra. You must be an amazing woman to raise such wonderful ladies!
I do remember having a blog conversation about flax seed.

Audra said...

Don't apologize for that hard hug! It was a physical expression of your intense love for me. That day I got a glimpse of how much I meant to you. I liked it.

Oh and by the way, I remember not following you when you guys left the monkey exhibit. I got lost because I didn't obey.

Shana said...

One memory that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE about you is when we went to visit your home in Eugene. It was beautiful and perfect. I remember the most wonderful german pancakes you made for breakfast and I remember watching as you did each of your beautiful girls hair and I wanted you to do mine as well!!! You always took great care of your girls wanting them to look their best. You are a beautiful mother and I love you!

Abbi said...

I have so many memories I could write a book! And I probably should! Someone should write a book to commemorate all the good you've done. But here's just one memory that came to mind:

I remember you driving me to school when I was in about the seventh grade, and I was having a fit about how I looked. I was so mad I broke a hand-held mirror I had brought into the car. I remember at that moment just feeling sick--I realized how stupid I was acting and felt so bad for breaking the mirror.

So I was SO surprised, and even more grateful, when you didn't get mad at me AT ALL. You just turned the car around and said something like, "Okay, let's go home and get calmed down, and then we can go to school." I don't remember what we did when we got home or how long it took to get me to calm down, but I remember clearly how much that meant to me that you didn't get mad at me.

I was so relieved! Relieved that you weren't mad at me, relieved that I didn't have to face school in the state I was in, relieved that someone loved me even if I didn't deserve it! It's like you were telling me that I was really important to you and that you loved me no matter what. I can't say how much that has meant to me not only then but throughout my whole life.

Mindy said...

Hmm, never met, but I do remember the amazing "Texas" quilt you sent to Audra.

...loved it.

It inspired the one that I'll one day complete. I think it's like #4 on my project list. Can't wait.

Elaine said...

I remember a ton of things, how you came to our house and was helping with the phones etc. you typed our Mom's histories while there. You made those pillows for the girl's room. I loved how when you were pregnant you got so happy and giggled alot.. not that you weren't happy otherwise but you laughed alot and your whole body was joyful. I can see it but not explain it.

Michelle Pyne said...

I sure have enjoyed reading these memory comments! Thanks everyone for bringing back happy memories! They are treasures to me.