Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Back in Time

When I was young, we had a garden and fruit trees, and in late summer and fall it was CANNING SEASON. I can remember canning bushels and bushels of peaches, pears, apples, tomatoes, string beans, etc. etc. (We had a family of 10- hence the 'bushels and bushels') When we were first married, I continued this tradition. Mel's parents had a wonderful farm, and they would give us fresh produce to can. So when the opportunity came a week ago to buy a box of pears to can, I couldn't resist.
Don't get me wrong, canning isn't my favorite thing to do in the world. The endless peeling and cutting is tedious, and you use just about every pot and pan you own in the canning process. The floor and the countertops get sticky and messy. Even after you think you've wiped up all the mess and thoroughly cleaned the kitchen, you find sticky places that you missed.

Processing the jars on a hot day didn't make the kitchen cool and comfortable.

But after the work was complete, there was always a sense of accomplishment and appreciation upon looking at the colorful jars filled with food.

So it was good for me to go back in time, remember my past experiences, and again feel that sense of accomplishment and appreciation for the blessing of the harvest.


Jessi said...

That took me back in time, too. I've never canned, but I LOVED eating the results. The store-bought stuff is just not as good.

Chris said...

That brought back memories for me too. I always admired dads fruit and I miss it. I haven't canned in years though. Working full time I just don't have the time anymore but it sure did taste good when I bottled and canned all that stuff. It looks beautiful!!

Audra said...

I want you to teach me how to do it!

Kjirsten said...

Pears are the hardest to do. I haven't done them for years. BUT I just finished putting up tomato juice, peaches, peach jam and zucchini relish. Does that count?

Michelle Pyne said...

Kjirsten, that counts! Well done!

Kami Hall said...

Good job! I need to learn to can. I remember going into the "fruit room" at grandma's, and at our own house growing up. I used to love to go through and see if I could find any cherries or pears. Those were my favorites.

Shana said...

WOW! That looks sooo yummy!! It makes me miss all of Gramas canned goods!! I want to learn!

Abbi said...

Well done Mom! You are so good at everything.

Elaine said...

Wow, I'm impressed. I cannot make myself buy a bushel and then spend that much time,when I got them for free my whole life. It is soon to be a lost art. I have all of mom's orginal canning recipes for every fruit. A meal wasn't complete with out a bottle of fruit brought up from the basement. Now we only eat fresh or frozen.