Thursday, April 19, 2007

I have an excuse!

Abbi asked me today why I haven't written anything on my blog lately. I have the perfect excuse! I have been getting ready for a certain person's wedding! I probably would have posted ten, twenty, maybe even fifty blogs if it hadn't been for this wedding thing! So now you know. As soon as the wedding takes place and is a raging success, I will be back blogging like crazy! You know me and how I love to write!


Abbi said...

Does that mean I have an excuse not to write my final essay for my 410 class?? :)

Audra said...

That is a good excuse. Weddings are huge projects to plan! You are an excellent wedding planner, I might add!

Crystal said...

Dale asks me every day, "Are you excited about Abbi and Chad's wedding?" We can't wait. It will be amazing I am sure. I think your excuse is good, but I must admit that I check your blog waiting for the next post. I expect fifty plus after June 23rd.

Jessi said...

I have an ABOUT the wedding plans!! :)