Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Frog Blog

For some reason, I love frogs! Imagine how fun it was to find this little guy trying to get out of our house. I had been in and out of the back yard a few times that day, and later when I walked by the door, I noticed him trying to get out. He must have hopped in when the door was open. We often hear frogs croaking at night in the spring, but I hadn't seen one til now. I gently picked him up in a paper towel and put him outside by the pond. Hopefully he made it back safe and sound to his family. I wish he'd come and visit us again!


Kami Hall said...

Awww.. I like frogs too. That one is cute. :)

Jessi said...

He is too cute!!! I bet he is thankful you helped him home.

Abbi said...

Oh how FUN! I would be so so excited to see a frog like that. I am with you--frogs are just lovable!

Diana said...

Frogs are too cute. My kids would have begged to keep it.