Friday, May 30, 2008

Tag you're it!

This 'tag' that Chris did looks fun, so here goes:

How long have you been married? 33 years, 1 month
How old is your spouse? 9 1/2 months older than me!
Who eats more? Mel but only by a little bit. Many times I'm the winner in that department.
Who is taller? Mel is 4 inches taller than me, unless I am wearing heels
Who sings better? We sing about the same, but I can sing alto and Mel can't!
Who is smarter? Depends on what kind of 'smarts' you're talking about. I win in the math department, but he wins in the leadership department.
Who controls the T.V. remote? Mel, definitely. He can't stand to watch commercials.
Whose temper is worse? We are both pretty calm, but I would become upset before he does.
Who does the laundry? Me. Mel used to iron his shirts when I was busy with the kids, but now I can handle that for him too.
Who does the dishes? Me. Mel helps often, and I especially love it when he steps in and takes care of that for me.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me. I think I always have.
Who cooks dinner? Me. But sometimes he takes over and puts a meal together, and of course, I love that!
Who is more stubborn? Neither of us are very stubborn, at least that I can think of right now.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? We're the same, pretty much.
Whose parents do you see the most? Mine because Mel's passed away in 2002. When they were both living, it was pretty much 50/50.
Who has more friends? Even steven - we're the same.
Who has more siblings? I win that one, 8 to 4.
Who wears the pants in the family? We both wear the pants, and we look very good in them too! :)

OK, I tag Abbi, Jessi, Audra and Jessie!

1 comment:

Kimberlie said...

This was fun to read!