Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Now how did that happen?

Today after I finished getting my seminary lessons ready, I was ready for a break. I'd put in my work, now I was ready to do something I enjoyed! Then I remembered: today was the day I volunteered to take dinner to a lady in our ward who has 4 little boys and is single. That meant I got to cook. I also remembered that I was going to make brownies for a seminary treat for Halloween. That meant I got to cook. Then I got a call from our RS pres asking if I could feed the missionaries tomorrow evening. That meant I got to cook. So much for doing something I enjoy. (Cooking isn't high on the list of things I do for enjoyment.) The rest of my day was spent shopping, chopping, stirring, beating, baking, and washing dishes. So if cooking isn't high on the list of things I do for enjoyment, why did I have such a great afternoon??? How did that happen?!


Kami Hall said...

When it's for a good cause, even the things we don't always enjoy can make us happy. That's the power of service! :)

Kjirsten said...

Chalk it up to your well cultivated positive attititude. I have to do the same thing when Joe forces me to go snowmobiling! All the same, the next time you have some free time, I hope you don't have to cook.

Abbi said...

Because you talked to me on the phone, remember?!

J/K. :)

Shana said...

Because you were serving! That is what happened! :) I love, Love, LOVE cooking when I know it is for people other than myself and I am doing something of good. :)

Audra said...

because you are an amazing woman

Elaine said...

Because you are a kind hearted wonderful person. Cooking isn't one of my highs either. Can you bring me dinner tomorrow?

Jessi said...

I'll have to use your story in my lesson on Sunday! (My topic is "Love One Another.") Perfect timing!

Crystal said...

I am with you on the cooking. I can do it, but don't enjoy it. I think it was attitude. Sometimes I just have to talk myself into enjoying the moment even if it is not the moment that I would normally enjoy. Best example is changing diapers. Hate it, but love the fun you can have with the baby as you are doing it.